Here is a fun worksheet you can download
and print for free from the book
This Kitten: Has Blue Eyes
by Carolyn Wild.
There will be more worksheets coming soon.
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All printables marked with are copyrighted ©. All rights reserved. These printables are provided for your personal use. You are welcome to save the files on your computer and print copies for yourself, your children, or your students. You may post pictures of your children or students using my printables on your blog, provided is properly credited and linked in the post. To share my files with others, link directly to
You cannot host any of my printables on your own or other sites, upload my PDF files to your server, or alter or sell any of my printables. All files are for personal, non-commercial use only. You may not use my items for sale or profit. By downloading and printing my printables, you agree to these copyright terms.
Build sentences by cutting out the words and placing them in a straight line or gluing them onto another sheet to make complete sentences. You can also create your mini-book! Use the book This Kitten: Has Blue Eyes as a guide.
The sheet size is 8.5 x 11 inches. Click on the picture to download it.